Our Fatbar 4-link suspension is designed for TRUCKS! We use a 200-250lb spring and a 5" shock for a smoother ride, rather than many other kits that use a 3" stroke shock.
This means they must use a 300/350lb. spring. The longer bar that we use allows a smoother weight transfer, which trucks desperately need.
"Parallel" 4-bar kits do not offer any weight transfer. This is not an opinion, it's physics.
Our kit comes with a 30" rear mounted panhard rod that has less radial deflection and LOWER ROLL CENTER than short, top mounted locators. If you're building a hot rod truck, build it with parts designed for a truck. LIKE THE FATBAR!
This is the only kit on the market that will give you the ride and performance you're looking for!
**This is not a Roadster 4-bar that has been adapted.
**The fatbar is stronger than any street kit on the market.
* Housing and Axles are available*
We can also weld the brackets on.
*Gear Sets are available also*